Alphabetical Order
The company L.Ehrengut was a sawmill with carpentry, located in Thalkirchenstrasse 270 in Munich. Between 7 April 1942 and 11 September 1942 10 prisoners of the KZ-Dachau were used here. Half of the detachment consisted of German prisoners. Two Czech and three Polish prisoners held as Custody Prisoners were added to the sub-camp Ehrengut.
former prisoner Bodeslaw M. recalls that the commando Ehrengut was
initially taken daily from Dachau by truck to work in Munich
and only a few months later, a permanent sub-camp was established on the
company premises. This means that as early as April 1942, a detainee work team was busy there. All prisoners were employed as machine-operators in the sawmill in the production of military barracks components.
The prisoners were housed in a barrack on the factory grounds. The food for the prisoners was delivered from the KZ-Dachau and prepared at Ehrengut. On the Sunday off work, prisoners were able to prepare additional food for themselves. Hermann Glinz, the German Schutzhaftling (Custody Detainee), was the Kapo of the sub-camp.
Commander of the sub-camp Ehrengut was SS-UbterscharführerTheodor Stutz-Zenner. The SS security team consisted of five SS members, who came from Romania and Bulgaria. They lived with the prisoners in the same barrack, but in separate rooms, while the commandant was quartered in the Residential house. Ill-treatment and inmate killings are not known.
In the middle of 1942, an inmate fled and the sub-camp Ehrengut was dissolved.
In the framework of the Dachau trial, Theodor Stutz-Zenner was sentenced to life imprisonment for his crimes in various Dachau's sub-camps in 1947.
Author German Text; Sabine Schalm
At the headquarters of the Secret State Police in Munich, which housed in the Wittelsbacher Palace at the Briennerstrasse 50, it was then that in June 1942 the KZ-prisoner Josef Eberl was employed as a caretaker. From 1943 to April, 1945, the work between Eberl and an additional prisoner Xaver Schroll was divided while living there. Both were kept in prison cells in the basement. Apart from them, other prisoners from Dachau were employed as carpenters, electricians, or painters in the Wittelsbach Palace. There are no further details about these first KZ-prisoners at the Briennerstrasse.
Munich Residenz, Königsbau (2014) The former Royal Palace was bombed beyond use and rebuilt as it is now
The commando was headed by Kapo Karl Frey, who would strive vigorously for the well-being of his fellow prisoners. The detainees carried out mainly repairs and erected an air raid shelter in the Wittelsbach domain. In part, they were used outside to remove bombs, to extinguish fires, or remove the dead out of the rubble after air raids. A former truck driver employed by the Gestapo remembers that he picked up prisoners in the courtyard of the Wittelsbach Palace in the mornings, took them to their place of work, and delivered them back again to the Briennerstrasse in the evening. In 1945 smaller groups of prisoners were used for bomb disposals. Several Polish and Russian prisoners were killed in January 1945 during the detonation of a duds, that in fact were fitted with time delays. From this sub-camp further detainees were killed during bomb clearings, but their losses were replaced with other prisoners from Dachau.
On 7 January 1945 seven prisoners were hanged in the park of the Wittelsbach Palace because of looting. An inmate had to act as a hangman and the remaining prisoners had to watch the hanging. Further executions and shooting of prisoners on the grounds of food theft or unauthorized absence from the workplace are known; misstatements by the SS security teams were the order of the day. [The looting properly took place after an air raid, warning signs were erected, that the Police would shoot at anyone found at bombed-out premises. this was nothing newsic]
The sub-camp Munich-Gestapo was under the command of Adolf Höfer. The guard detachment were composed of foreign SS members, who guarded the prisoners inside and outside the Wittelsbach Palace. Their treatment of detainees was brutal.
On 25 April 1945 the sub-camp Munich-Gestapo was dissolved, the prisoners were returned to KZ-Dachau on foot. At the Landgericht (District Court) Munich, there were two proceedings dealing with the operations at the sub-camp. During 1963/64 it was claimed that the former prisoners Josef Eberl and Xaver Schroll abused one of a Gestapo prisoners. The case was closed as no evidence could be provided. In the same way, in the 1976 proceedings against Adolf Höfer, (the former commandant) and other former members of the Gestapo were discontinued for lack of evidence for alleged killings.
Today there is a new building at Briennerstrasse 50, which houses the Volkstheater in addition to the Law Chancery of the, and is not identical with the location of the Wittelsbach Palace. The former address Briennerstrasse 50 is today's house number 20. The Wittelsbach Palace was abgerissen (torn down) in 1964, where the Landesbank (State Bank) erected a new complex, on its facade on which a memorial plague is placed, points to the former Gestapo's service building.
Author German Text: Sabine Schalm
The prisoners were housed in a barrack on the factory grounds. The food for the prisoners was delivered from the KZ-Dachau and prepared at Ehrengut. On the Sunday off work, prisoners were able to prepare additional food for themselves. Hermann Glinz, the German Schutzhaftling (Custody Detainee), was the Kapo of the sub-camp.
Commander of the sub-camp Ehrengut was SS-UbterscharführerTheodor Stutz-Zenner. The SS security team consisted of five SS members, who came from Romania and Bulgaria. They lived with the prisoners in the same barrack, but in separate rooms, while the commandant was quartered in the Residential house. Ill-treatment and inmate killings are not known.
In the middle of 1942, an inmate fled and the sub-camp Ehrengut was dissolved.
In the framework of the Dachau trial, Theodor Stutz-Zenner was sentenced to life imprisonment for his crimes in various Dachau's sub-camps in 1947.
Author German Text; Sabine Schalm
At the headquarters of the Secret State Police in Munich, which housed in the Wittelsbacher Palace at the Briennerstrasse 50, it was then that in June 1942 the KZ-prisoner Josef Eberl was employed as a caretaker. From 1943 to April, 1945, the work between Eberl and an additional prisoner Xaver Schroll was divided while living there. Both were kept in prison cells in the basement. Apart from them, other prisoners from Dachau were employed as carpenters, electricians, or painters in the Wittelsbach Palace. There are no further details about these first KZ-prisoners at the Briennerstrasse.
a sub-camp proper, 'Munich-Gestapo' for the first time ten Dachau prisoners were taken there, who were transferred to the Briennerstrasse on the 13 June 1944. By
April 1945 the sub-camp expanded to 50 prisoners and came from the German Reich,
Italy, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands, Poland and Russia. The
sub-camp was accommodated within the Wittelsbach Palace in a large hall
with multi-storey bunk beds, the hall (Saal) was locked at night. In the cellar there was a kitchen and a bathroom, which were used by the prisoners. The catering was provided by the KZ-Dachau, the preparation had to be taken over by the prisoners themselves. The Gestapo Department was surrounded by a brick wall and fenced in with barbed wire, controlled day and night by guards.

The commando was headed by Kapo Karl Frey, who would strive vigorously for the well-being of his fellow prisoners. The detainees carried out mainly repairs and erected an air raid shelter in the Wittelsbach domain. In part, they were used outside to remove bombs, to extinguish fires, or remove the dead out of the rubble after air raids. A former truck driver employed by the Gestapo remembers that he picked up prisoners in the courtyard of the Wittelsbach Palace in the mornings, took them to their place of work, and delivered them back again to the Briennerstrasse in the evening. In 1945 smaller groups of prisoners were used for bomb disposals. Several Polish and Russian prisoners were killed in January 1945 during the detonation of a duds, that in fact were fitted with time delays. From this sub-camp further detainees were killed during bomb clearings, but their losses were replaced with other prisoners from Dachau.
On 7 January 1945 seven prisoners were hanged in the park of the Wittelsbach Palace because of looting. An inmate had to act as a hangman and the remaining prisoners had to watch the hanging. Further executions and shooting of prisoners on the grounds of food theft or unauthorized absence from the workplace are known; misstatements by the SS security teams were the order of the day. [The looting properly took place after an air raid, warning signs were erected, that the Police would shoot at anyone found at bombed-out premises. this was nothing newsic]
The sub-camp Munich-Gestapo was under the command of Adolf Höfer. The guard detachment were composed of foreign SS members, who guarded the prisoners inside and outside the Wittelsbach Palace. Their treatment of detainees was brutal.
On 25 April 1945 the sub-camp Munich-Gestapo was dissolved, the prisoners were returned to KZ-Dachau on foot. At the Landgericht (District Court) Munich, there were two proceedings dealing with the operations at the sub-camp. During 1963/64 it was claimed that the former prisoners Josef Eberl and Xaver Schroll abused one of a Gestapo prisoners. The case was closed as no evidence could be provided. In the same way, in the 1976 proceedings against Adolf Höfer, (the former commandant) and other former members of the Gestapo were discontinued for lack of evidence for alleged killings.
Today there is a new building at Briennerstrasse 50, which houses the Volkstheater in addition to the Law Chancery of the, and is not identical with the location of the Wittelsbach Palace. The former address Briennerstrasse 50 is today's house number 20. The Wittelsbach Palace was abgerissen (torn down) in 1964, where the Landesbank (State Bank) erected a new complex, on its facade on which a memorial plague is placed, points to the former Gestapo's service building.
Author German Text: Sabine Schalm
In the Höchlstrasse in the center of Munich, from October to December 1944, a prisoner commando was placed in a private villa. In the files this sub-camp was run under SS-Standort-Verwaltung (Local Administration)) Höchlstrasse. According to a former prisoner Conrad Klug, it consisted of 18 craftsmen, who had to do clean ups after air attacks on Munich.
The commando
consisted of political prisoners of different nationalities and members
of the faith community of Jejovas' Witnesses. Details on the accommodation, meals and treatment of the prisoners, as well as details of SS staff, are not known.
Lists of transfers from KZ-Dachau for the months of October and November 1944, indicates that 20 prisoners were gradually assigned to the sub-camp Höchlstrasse, wile from the main camp, only five prisoners returned during the existence of this camp. It remains unclear whether sub-camp survivors have died and whether they have been substituted from the main camp or just increased the strength of the commando. Conrad Klug reported that the working detail was dissolved in December 1944, and that part of the prisoners were transferred to the sub-camp Garmisch. According to the International Search Service in Arolsen, the sub-camp Höchlstrasse was last mentioned on 28 December 1944.
In 1973, the Central Office of the District Court Administration in Ludwigsburg initiated investigations into the activities at the Höchlstrasse camp. Since no violent crimes or killings could be proved, the procedure was terminated in 1974.
Author German Text: Sabine Schalm
Between the 5th February 1945 and 21st April 1945 consisted the sub-camp 'catastrophic deployment' in Munich. It is not possible to establish the exact locality of this sub-camp. however, up to 85 prisoners were placed in a cellar of a bombed-out house and used to defuse dud bombs after air raids on the city area. The so called camp consisted of prisoners of different nationalities, mainly Russians, Poles and Czechoslovaks. To keep control and order were the German Custody Prisoners (Schtzhäftlinge) Werner Ascher and Otto Höringer as Kapo and assistant kapo. The prisoners slept in multiple tiered beds and were guarded by ten SS members and a commanding officer. The work orders for the commando would be conveyed to the commandant personally by Karl Fiehle, the Bürgermeiter (mayor) of Munich at that timer.
The high mortality rate of the detainees is known from other operating teams, defusing duds in Munich, because they were sent to their mission without specialist training and adequate safety precautions,
On April 20, 1945, 28 prisoners and one day later further eleven prisoners from the sub-camp were brought back to the KZ-Dachau and the camp was dissolved
In 1973, the Central Office of the District Court in Ludwigsburg initiated a procedural inquiry, which was discontinued in 1976 in the absence of any clear indications.
Author German Text: Sabine Schalm
In the spring of 1942 the SS 'Lebensborn' consortium acquired from the Reichsvereinigung (State Incorporation) of Jewish property in Germany the former Jewish Old Peoples Residence at Mathildenstrasse 8-9 in Munich. Here, services of the 'Lebensborn'-Administration were established. On June 15, 1942, there was a sub-camp of the KZ-Dachau domiciled, which consisted of 20 prisoners, mostly Polish, Austrians, Czechs and Germans. In September 1942, the commando increased to 40 prisoners. They were housed in a dwelling with the window panes painted over. An SS detachment guarded the building.
]First, the prisoners rebuilt the bomb-damaged building of Mathildenstrasse. Some of the prisoners also worked at different places in the city on other construction sites. Thus a survivor reported that he had been deployed with a small commando in the Hermann-Schmid-Strasse during repair work. In the number 5 estate there was a former Jewish hospital, which Lebensborn had also acquired in 1942 and rebuilt into office departments.. But the prisoners were also used for reconstruction and bunker building work for the private apartment of the Munich Lebensborn, SS leader Max Stollmann. From Monday to Saturday they worked from six o'clock in the morning to seven o'clock in the evening, on Sundays until noon.
The SS staff consisted of a commanding officer and five SS guards. The first commander was an SS man named Bederlein, his successor was Noll. The last commanding officer, SS Unterscharführer, was the most brutal in relation with the prisoners, who was apparently ordered to go to Munich no later than the autumn of 1943. The head of the Lebensborn, Max Schollmann, gave instructions on the work-assignments to the Commando-Führer and was in return informed about all events in the sub-camp. Contacts between prisoners and employees of the Lebensborn were strictly forbidden. Hans Rohr, the custodian prisoner, was a Kapo. He was described as brutal and cruel by survivors. Piotr K., a former prisoner, reported that Hans Rohr had once pushed him out of a window from the first floor and had beaten him several times. The Red Spain Fighter, Hermann Rathering, since June1943 Kapo did not strike his fellow prisoners. Abuse by SS members for minor offenses were the order of the day. Prisoners weakened as a result of beatings or being sick were transferred back to the Stammlager Dachau and replaced by new workers.
Killings of prisoners are are not known to have taken place at the sub-camp 'Lebensborn'.
After the destruction of the service buildings during air raids between 11 and 13 July 1944, the Enterprise 'Lebensborn' was relocated to Steinhöring in the following weeks. The prisoners also went to Steinhöring and the sub-camp existed there under the designation 'RFSS Personal Staff Office' until shortly before the end of the war.A number of survivors of the sub-camp 'Lebensborn' were interviewed in an investigation by the Central Office in Ludwigsburg between 1973 and 1975. The case is closed. Today, the eye clinic of the university clinic is located in Mathildenstrasse in the Central Bu sines District of Munich.
Author German Text: Sabine Schalm
Der Ort des Terrors, Pages 400-
Lists of transfers from KZ-Dachau for the months of October and November 1944, indicates that 20 prisoners were gradually assigned to the sub-camp Höchlstrasse, wile from the main camp, only five prisoners returned during the existence of this camp. It remains unclear whether sub-camp survivors have died and whether they have been substituted from the main camp or just increased the strength of the commando. Conrad Klug reported that the working detail was dissolved in December 1944, and that part of the prisoners were transferred to the sub-camp Garmisch. According to the International Search Service in Arolsen, the sub-camp Höchlstrasse was last mentioned on 28 December 1944.
In 1973, the Central Office of the District Court Administration in Ludwigsburg initiated investigations into the activities at the Höchlstrasse camp. Since no violent crimes or killings could be proved, the procedure was terminated in 1974.
Author German Text: Sabine Schalm
Between the 5th February 1945 and 21st April 1945 consisted the sub-camp 'catastrophic deployment' in Munich. It is not possible to establish the exact locality of this sub-camp. however, up to 85 prisoners were placed in a cellar of a bombed-out house and used to defuse dud bombs after air raids on the city area. The so called camp consisted of prisoners of different nationalities, mainly Russians, Poles and Czechoslovaks. To keep control and order were the German Custody Prisoners (Schtzhäftlinge) Werner Ascher and Otto Höringer as Kapo and assistant kapo. The prisoners slept in multiple tiered beds and were guarded by ten SS members and a commanding officer. The work orders for the commando would be conveyed to the commandant personally by Karl Fiehle, the Bürgermeiter (mayor) of Munich at that timer.
The high mortality rate of the detainees is known from other operating teams, defusing duds in Munich, because they were sent to their mission without specialist training and adequate safety precautions,
On April 20, 1945, 28 prisoners and one day later further eleven prisoners from the sub-camp were brought back to the KZ-Dachau and the camp was dissolved
In 1973, the Central Office of the District Court in Ludwigsburg initiated a procedural inquiry, which was discontinued in 1976 in the absence of any clear indications.
Author German Text: Sabine Schalm
In the spring of 1942 the SS 'Lebensborn' consortium acquired from the Reichsvereinigung (State Incorporation) of Jewish property in Germany the former Jewish Old Peoples Residence at Mathildenstrasse 8-9 in Munich. Here, services of the 'Lebensborn'-Administration were established. On June 15, 1942, there was a sub-camp of the KZ-Dachau domiciled, which consisted of 20 prisoners, mostly Polish, Austrians, Czechs and Germans. In September 1942, the commando increased to 40 prisoners. They were housed in a dwelling with the window panes painted over. An SS detachment guarded the building.
]First, the prisoners rebuilt the bomb-damaged building of Mathildenstrasse. Some of the prisoners also worked at different places in the city on other construction sites. Thus a survivor reported that he had been deployed with a small commando in the Hermann-Schmid-Strasse during repair work. In the number 5 estate there was a former Jewish hospital, which Lebensborn had also acquired in 1942 and rebuilt into office departments.. But the prisoners were also used for reconstruction and bunker building work for the private apartment of the Munich Lebensborn, SS leader Max Stollmann. From Monday to Saturday they worked from six o'clock in the morning to seven o'clock in the evening, on Sundays until noon.
The SS staff consisted of a commanding officer and five SS guards. The first commander was an SS man named Bederlein, his successor was Noll. The last commanding officer, SS Unterscharführer, was the most brutal in relation with the prisoners, who was apparently ordered to go to Munich no later than the autumn of 1943. The head of the Lebensborn, Max Schollmann, gave instructions on the work-assignments to the Commando-Führer and was in return informed about all events in the sub-camp. Contacts between prisoners and employees of the Lebensborn were strictly forbidden. Hans Rohr, the custodian prisoner, was a Kapo. He was described as brutal and cruel by survivors. Piotr K., a former prisoner, reported that Hans Rohr had once pushed him out of a window from the first floor and had beaten him several times. The Red Spain Fighter, Hermann Rathering, since June1943 Kapo did not strike his fellow prisoners. Abuse by SS members for minor offenses were the order of the day. Prisoners weakened as a result of beatings or being sick were transferred back to the Stammlager Dachau and replaced by new workers.
Killings of prisoners are are not known to have taken place at the sub-camp 'Lebensborn'.
After the destruction of the service buildings during air raids between 11 and 13 July 1944, the Enterprise 'Lebensborn' was relocated to Steinhöring in the following weeks. The prisoners also went to Steinhöring and the sub-camp existed there under the designation 'RFSS Personal Staff Office' until shortly before the end of the war.A number of survivors of the sub-camp 'Lebensborn' were interviewed in an investigation by the Central Office in Ludwigsburg between 1973 and 1975. The case is closed. Today, the eye clinic of the university clinic is located in Mathildenstrasse in the Central Bu sines District of Munich.
Author German Text: Sabine Schalm
Der Ort des Terrors, Pages 400-
Vol 2
München 2005
from German by:
Stolpmann von
under Part 14.